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your Steam games do not belong to you

If yet another proof of the excesses of dematerialized purchases were needed, here it is. Steam has started rolling out a new message during transactions, and it’s not going to please players. Purchasing a digital product licenses the product on Steam can now be read before checking out. But what does this sentence mean, which tries to blur the lines? This new clarification prepares the entry into force of a Californian law, scheduled for next year. From now on, dematerialized game stores (Steam, Epic Games Stores, PlayStation Store, Microsoft Store, etc.) will have the obligation to inform buyers that the product sold is an access license to the title, and not the title itself .

The message appears just below the “Proceed to payment” button. © Steam

Following the disappearance of certain titles from players’ stores and libraries, this law aims to protect consumers, so that they are fully aware of the ephemeral nature of their purchase. In English, platforms will no longer have the right to use the terms “buy” et “purchase” when it comes to dematerialized products, unless you specify that the purchase does not concern a game, but rather a license which may disappear at any time. Steam has therefore taken the lead and is starting to apply this distinction now. But then: is it still possible to really buy games today?

DRM-free platforms

Les DRM (“digital rights management“) require internet access in order to certify that a person actually has the license for the product in question. The most popular platforms today operate with this maligned model. But despite the prevalence of stores like Steam and Epic Games Store, there are still retailers who offer to enjoy PC games like back in the day.

GOG (for “Good Old Games”) is undoubtedly the most popular of them, and has also taken advantage of this situation to brag about it. This sales platform set up by CD Projekt in 2008 sells classic and modern games, and not licenses. Each purchase comes with an installer that can be used offline, and therefore offers long-term access to the title in question. Today, it is the safest way to consume video game works.

Unfortunately, GOG does not offer a catalog as extensive as that of other platforms. Also, many players prefer to continue on their usual platform, particularly to expand their collection of achievements or take advantage of other features. However, players can find some blockbusters ready to join the effort against DRM, such as the excellent Baldur’s Gate III become game of the year 2023.

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