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Could this animal hold the key to immortality?

Invisible beneath the surface of the water, an animal defies the laws of time. Mnemiopsis leidyian invasive jellyfish, has just revealed an astonishing secret.

When her life seems threatened, she can literally become younger. This is not a myth, but a scientific reality documented by a new study published on bioRxiv.

Researchers were interested in this organism which, faced with unfavorable conditions, can return to its larval state. A rare and surprising ability that makes it one of only three known animal species that can rejuvenate after reaching adulthood.

Unlike other species, such as the “immortal jellyfish” or a specific tapeworm, Mnemiopsis leidyi can transform into larvae. Scientists have discovered that this regression allows it to develop two tentacles useful for capturing food and thus ensuring its survival.

Originally from the western Atlantic, the Mnemiopsis leidyi crossed the oceans in ship ballast tanks. Now present in Europe and in Asiait causes the decline of local fisheries. Its incredible resilience fascinates researchers.

Scientists have conducted experiments to understand this unique ability. By depriving some jellyfish of food and amputating others, they observed that they suddenly shrank, without dying. When they were fed again, some returned to their larval form and resumed growth.

The study showed that these jellyfish are literally “reborn” with two tentacles, using this form to capture microscopic prey that they could not reach in their adult form. Researchers believe this ability could explain the species’ successful invasion.

However, this form of rejuvenation remains debated in scientific circles. Yoshinori Hasegawa, a Japanese zoologist, notes that the jellyfish could simply shrink without actually reversing its aging. However, this discovery opens the way to new research.

This journey through biological time is far from being understood in all its details, but it demonstrates that nature still has many secrets to reveal.


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