Pink October. Breast cancer: fundamental screening

Pink October. Breast cancer: fundamental screening
Pink October. Breast cancer: fundamental screening

Discover cancer in time to be able to treat it as soon as possible. The objective of Pink October is there: to remind people of the importance of breast cancer screening and thus reduce the number of deaths.

In , each year, more than 61,000 new cases of breast cancer are detected. Even if the mortality rate tends to decrease, breast cancer is still responsible for more than 12,000 deaths per year in France.

Key figures for breast cancer in and France.

Key figures for breast cancer in Brittany and France. (Infographic Le Télégramme)

Why is screening so important?

During their lifetime, one in eight women will be affected by breast cancer. A figure considerable enough to understand the whole issue of screening. […] As the Brittany Regional Cancer Screening Coordination Center (CRCDC) points out: “The detection of breast cancer at an early stage of its development increases the chances of cure and limits the use of the heaviest treatments by preserving quality of life

Diagnosed early, breast cancer is cured in nine out of ten cases.” To summarize: detected early, cancer will generally be easier to treat with less risk of after-effects, a better therapeutic result and therefore an increased chance of cure. “Breast cancer mortality is decreasing. This is linked to the advancement of scientific knowledge on breast cancer and to therapeutic progress, particularly targeted therapies adapted to the characteristics of the tumor,” underlines Dr Lenaïg Abily Donval, coordinating doctor at CRCDC Bretagne.

A simple and quick examination…

In France, every woman aged 50 to 74 receives an invitation to carry out a free screening in an approved radiology center, thus guaranteeing the quality of the examination and secure care.

During this appointment, the radiologist performs a clinical breast examination followed by a mammogram. If the mammogram is interpreted as normal by the radiologist (in 96.6% of cases), the images are sent to the CRCDC for a second reading by another approved radiologist.

If the mammogram is interpreted as abnormal by the first radiologist (3.4% of cases), the latter then carries out additional examinations (additional images, ultrasound, etc.) to clarify the nature of the abnormal images.
New for 2024

Since January 2024, it is now health insurance funds that invite their beneficiaries to be screened. Some users have not yet received their invitation and certain branches seem to notice a drop in their participation in screening. During this transition period, the CRCDC Bretagne invites people affected by organized screening to contact their health insurance fund to report it.

…but who can be feared

However, participation rates in organized screening remain insufficient even if Breton women are screened more than the national average. Lack of time, fear, or on the contrary, optimism, some women in the target population do not get screened. “Fear does not avoid danger. In the event of an anomaly, screening will have saved time on the disease, at the Establishment Rennais du Sein we offer an appointment with a specialist within the week with a rapid diagnosis, indicates Dr François D’, breast surgeon. And breast cancer is most often very treatable. »

Outside of organized screening

– Whatever your age, a medical consultation is essential in the event of the appearance of certain signs: change in the shape and/or size of the breast, discharge, redness or warmth, appearance of a mass or dimple, skin change…

– The National Cancer Institute recommends a clinical examination of your breasts (palpation) by a health professional (gynecologist, midwife, attending physician) every year from the age of 25. The League against Cancer recommends, more generally, gynecological follow-up once a year and practicing self-monitoring in order to detect any changes in the breasts.

– Women with a high or very high risk of breast cancer (genetic mutations causing familial forms of breast cancer or when there are no mutations but cases in the family) can benefit from 100% coverage for recommended exams.

* Panorama of cancers, Inca, 2023.

Note that the CRCDC Bretagne wanted to initiate a regional project to promote cancer screenings. The theater troupe Les Anachroniques will present its show “Les Délieuses de Langues” during the same week in the four Breton departments. Each performance will be followed by a debate bringing together the public and health professionals: Tuesday October 8 at 8 p.m. in Dol de Bretagne (35); Wednesday October 9 at 8 p.m. in Ploufragan (22); Thursday October 10 at 8 p.m. in Bignan (56); Friday October 11 at 8 p.m. in Saint-Renan (29).



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