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The HomePod with screen is coming to fruition, we know what it will look like

This would not be called “HomePod” but “HomeAccessory”. It would have a square screen and many features of iOS.

Since the marketing of the very first HomePod in 2018, the range has not experienced a lot of upheaval. The HomePod mini helped democratize Apple’s speaker, while the main model saw a slight improvement in 2023. We never heard about it again, but that shouldn’t last too long.

We’ve been talking for months about a HomePod with a much more versatile touch screen than the current one. But according to 9to5Mac, the one that we would call internally “HomeAccessory” under the code name J490 would be equipped with the new A18 chip… and a 1:1 screen, that is to say square.

We would therefore move away from the “HomePad with iPad” design, but we do not know what the final form of this home automation accessory will be. “It is still uncertain whether this square format will be retained in the final version of the product”ajoute 9to5Mac. “The HomeAccessory also has a built-in camera compatible with FaceTime and other video conferencing applications.” It would finally be able to launch applications and play media, such as music. It will also serve as an AirPlay receiver, like the current HomePods.

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