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Did you know that…birdsong helps plants grow? | UPDATE

A text by Félicia Latour

Scientists at University of San Diego in California found that plant growth is positively stimulated by birds.

How so?

The high-pitched songs of birds, which can reach an ultrasonic frequency of 20 000 hertzvibrate the leaves of the plants and cause their leaves to open stomata.

Stomata are like little mouths on plant leaves that open and close to let air in, take in carbon dioxide, and then let water and oxygen out.

Photo: iStock / Maria Flaya (and Ève Laguë from Radio-Canada)


Stomata are like little mouths on the leaves of plants, which allow them to breathe . They open and close to let air in, take in carbon dioxide, and then let water and oxygen out.

3 hours ????

According to the researchers, the listening time of plants may have its limits. If they are constantly exposed to noise, their stomata remain open for too long, which causes the plant to lose a lot of water through evaporation and could die.

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