DayFR Euro

Parliament refuses to better defend Gruyère AOP

The Federal Chambers will not lift a finger to come to the aid of AOP products, such as Gruyère, which is not recognized in the United States. The Council of States tacitly buried, on Monday, a motion to this effect by National Councilor Jacques Nicolet (UDC/VD).

The Vaudois demanded that the Federal Council apply and respect the recognition of AOP (protected designation of origin) and IGP (protected geographical indication) in all of its trade agreements.

The decision of the American justice system to allow the production and marketing of Gruyère in the United States was the origin of his text, filed in 2022. “It is a real slap in the face to all the players in the Gruyère AOP sector,” Jacques Nicolet estimated. The Americans will be able to continue to produce and sell their cheese under the Gruyère name without being worried, benefiting from all the marketing deployed worldwide for Gruyère AOP.” The Vaudois had been supported in his approach by the National.

The Federal Council, for its part, was opposed to the text: “A strict interpretation of the motion could restrict Switzerland’s room for manoeuvre in matters of foreign trade and, in certain circumstances, it could even prevent the conclusion of new trade agreements,” explained the Minister of the Economy, Guy Parmelin.

The Council of States, however, tacitly accepted a much less restrictive motion which asked the Federal Council to “commit itself more” to respecting and recognising Swiss geographical indications, with the approval of Guy Parmelin.


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