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Plouézec. A day of discussion on artificial reefs

On Tuesday, October 8, the Récifs-Goëlo association in Plouézec will be holding a day of discussion and information on the theme of “Artificial reefs and biodiversity.” “We will receive specialists, who will talk to us about their studies on artificial reefs, who are all experts in this specialty, and who come from all over ,” announces Michel Rickauer, the president of the association.

Sylvain Pioch will provide the opening speech, before the setting up of round tables in a special format, punctuated by short speeches of twelve minutes per participant followed by discussions. Each of them will be able to present the fruit of the work carried out on their site.

?Marine ecology and coastal developments

The first round table will bring together Sandrine Ruitton, lecturer at the University of , who participated in the artificial reef project on the Prado site in Marseille. Sylvain Blouet, who has a doctorate in marine ecology, will talk about the artificial reefs of Cap d’ and Cédric Hennache about those of Oléron. A scientific diver, Quentin , will come from the Gulf of and Jean-Claude Dauvin from the sites of the Cherbourg harbor.

The second round table will be around Apolline Lebourg for oyster farming with her work on oyster reefs in Northern , wind power with Paul Resseguier on the reef effect of the Saint-Brieuc offshore wind farm and Martin Perrot on innovation in artificial reefs, materials and shapes. “The third round table will be led by Yves Henocque, who is the one who selects the projects supported by the Fondation de France. He will broaden the discussion with an approach on the future of a territory in a context of ecological transition,” argues Michel Rickauer.

Also present: Jessica Salaün, from the Center for Island Research and Environmental Observatory (Criobe), for an approach to evaluating the performance of coastal developments with artificial reefs, and Elisabeth Riera, specialist in marine ecology.

This day will end with Denis Lacroix, engineer at the head of Ifremer, on the subject of: “artificial reefs as sentinels of ecosystem change and a factor in societal rapprochement.

Tuesday, October 8, from 9 a.m. to 3:45 p.m., at the Hermine Hall. Registration for this day with meals (€12) must be made before Thursday, October 3 on the website


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