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Mysterious virus endangers over a million TV boxes

Just over a million TV boxes based on an open source version of Android have reportedly been affected by a virus called Android.Vo1d.

Security experts at Dr web have discovered a virus that affected many TV boxes around the world. They have in common that they are based, not on the classic version of Android TV, but on an Open Source variant. Google indicates that the boxes concerned did not have the Play Protect security device, because they were not certified. They had therefore not passed the security tests guaranteeing their use without (too much) risk.

In total, 1.3 million devices have been affected by this virus. And these are located in 197 countries, which means absolutely everywhere. The malware works by using an intermediate software and creates a “backdoor” in the data, allowing it to surreptitiously download and install files.

To make sure that your Android TV box is not affected, you can follow the instructions given by the Mountain View firm. Otherwise, we advise you to be absolutely careful, and not to download third-party software too easily.

Also consider changing your box when it becomes obsolete. Obsolete devices are an easy target for scammers and hackers because they don’t have the latest advances in cybersecurity.

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