Scientist’s prize for 2024: Thomas Buffin-Bélanger, Mélanie Trudel, Richard Turcotte, Louis-Philippe Caron

Scientist’s prize for 2024: Thomas Buffin-Bélanger, Mélanie Trudel, Richard Turcotte, Louis-Philippe Caron
Scientist’s prize for 2024: Thomas Buffin-Bélanger, Mélanie Trudel, Richard Turcotte, Louis-Philippe Caron

- is proud to award the 38e Scientist’s prize of the year to the community of scientists who have established the beacons that will be used to develop the new generation of maps of flooding areas and mobility in Quebec. The price is awarded to four of its representatives: Thomas Buffin-Bélangerprofessor of hydrogeomorphology at UQAR, Mélanie TrudelAssociate Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering and Engineering of the Building of the University of Sherbrooke, Richard Turcottemain scientific advisor to the main direction of water expertise at the Ministry of the Environment, the Fight against Climate Change, Wildlife and Parks (MELCCFP), and Louis-Philippe CaronManager Scenarios and Climate Services at Ouranos.

For the occasion, the host Sophie-Andrée Blondin talks to the four researchers who represent the group of scientists on the program THE light yearsthe Sunday, January 26, 2025, from 12:10 p.m. to 1 p.m. he, live on Here first et - thorough. Auditors can learn more about the nature of the work carried out by this community of scientists in the first hour of the program devoted to the scientist of the year.

By awarding the price of the scientist of the year to these four scientists, - recognizes the work of dozens of researchers in Quebec aimed at providing the data and models on which the production of the new generation of cartographies of the cartographies of flood zones. These tags will allow the various levels of governments to make informed and coherent decisions in terms of occupation of the territory, with regard to the risks of overflow and movement of watercourses, in a context of climate change.

Building near bodies of water and navigable lanes, Quebec is particularly vulnerable to floods. From a view to better protecting residents and infrastructure, the new generation of floodplates in flood zones is more precise and will allow you to better predict the risks and better intervene.

The climate changes, the past is no longer the guarantor of the future, and formerly disparate practices must be arranged: Quebec cities must update their mapping of flooding areas and mobility. This ambitious exercise never led to Quebec stems from the government’s deposit of the project to modernize the regulatory framework in water environments, including flooding zones and the supervision of flood protection works. A vast network of scientists from the university, government, municipal and private sector scientists have worked to determine which climatic scenarios should be taken into account, which tools and protocols should be used for data acquisition and hydrological and hydrodynamic models. All of this knowledge led to the production of a Methodological guide which will allow the production of new generation maps much more precise as to the vagaries and risks.

According to many experts, this work represents the first major measure of adaptation to climate change at the provincial level.

-’s main vice-president, Dany Meloulunderlines the contribution of these teams in these terms: “While the episodes of extreme weather are more and more numerous and the risks of flooding increase all the more, this colossal work has essential tools for the future . ».

About recipients


Mélanie Trudel is a professor in the Department of Civil Engineering and Engineering of the Building at the University of Sherbrooke. It is expert in remote sensing of the water resource, as well as in hydrodynamic and hydrological models. His research focuses mainly on the acquisition, processing and integration of remote sensing data, both satellite as by drones for monitoring water resources.

Thomas Buffin-Bélanger Is a professor of geography specializing in hydrogeomorphology at UQAR, where he has been running a research team in geomorphology and river dynamics since 2003. The team is also interested in the integration of hydrogeomorphological principles for the management and restoration of watercourses and for the analysis and prevention of risks linked to floods and mobility of watercourses.

Louis-Philippe Caron holds a doctorate in UQAM atmosphere. He worked for ten years in Europe, notably in the Department of Earth Sciences of Barcelona Supercominuting Center in Spain. Since 2020, he has managed the Ouranos climate scenarios and climate services group where he works to develop climate services and decision -making tools for adaptation to climate change.

Richard Turcotte is a civil engineer holding a doctorate in Hydrology of INRS. In the use of MELCCFP for almost 25 years, he has played key roles for the development of the flood forecasting system and the hydroclimatic atlas of southern Quebec. In its current role of scientific advisor to the main direction of water expertise, it is involved in many research projects aimed at improving knowledge in hydraulics and hydrology and putting them at the service of the company.

Mélanie Trudel, Thomas Buffin-Bélanger and Louis-Philippe Caron sat on the scientific committee which accompanied the MELCCFP in the scientific development of the info-crude project and the methodological guide applicable to the establishment of flood and mobility areas.

Recall that the Prix of the Scientist of the Year of - was initiated in 1987 and rewards one or more French-speaking personalities whose work has marked their discipline. It is awarded by the scientific broadcasts of -, Light years et Discovery, which designate the person or the recipient group.

Director, Light years : Sébastien Landry



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