Centenary of Gilles Deleuze: when the philosopher ignited the experimental university of – Télérama.fr

Centenary of Gilles Deleuze: when the philosopher ignited the experimental university of – Télérama.fr

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  1. Centenary of Gilles Deleuze: when the philosopher ignited the experimental university of Vincennes Télérama.fr
  2. Gilles Deleuze, professor of philosophy: a selection of the best podcasts to listen to Culture
  3. A Deleuzian century (1925-2025) La Vie des Idées
  4. Deleuze’s major concepts explained (3/5), from “desiring machines” to “body without organs” Philosophy magazine
  5. “What is becoming of you?” The question not to ask Gilles Deleuze Philosophy magazine


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