It's unclear if Mark Zuckerberg made any new resolutions in 2025, but the Meta founder decided to get spicy. In an interview with the sulphurous Joe Rogan, the boss of Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram, confirms his desire to take a new turn. A few days before Donald Trump returns to the White House, he is making major changes in terms of moderation on his main social networks. Mark Zuckerberg also has to attack, once again, one of his favorite targets: Apple.
The Apple brand is regularly in the sights of the boss of Meta and the skirmishes between Zuck and Tim Cook, the boss of Apple, are numerous. This time, Mark Zuckerberg decided to point the finger at his competitor's business model. He criticizes the 30% commission on the App Store by saying that Appel is making money “by bleeding people” and developers. He adds that the Cupertino company stifles innovation from other companies and cites AirPods. Mark Zuckerberg judges that the Apple headphones “are cool”but prevent other companies from developing “something that can connect to the iPhone in the same way”.
The executive goes even further by alleging that Apple hasn't “invented anything great in a while.” According to him, the Cupertino company's last major invention dates back to the iPhone:
“It’s like Steve Jobs invented the iPhone and now they’re just sitting on it 20 years later.”
Mark Zuckerberg a-t-il raison ?
The “masculine energy” that the creator of Facebook praises seems to give him wings. He assures that sales are stagnating and “even think” that sales are falling, due to the lack of new features in the latest versions. This argument can be defended, even if Mark Zuckbergerg's analysis is not based on any data. Above all, he neglects to say that Apple has presented many important new features since the appearance of the iPhone. Steve Jobs quickly followed up by launching the App Store (2008), the MacBook Air (2008) and the iPad in 2010. After the death of the famous visionary, the brand unveiled important new features such as Apple Pay (2014) , AirPods (2016) or even Apple Silicon chips (2020). More recently, the Californian company made an impression with the Vision Pro even if this product is not yet designed for the general public.
Also read: Mark Zuckerberg very critical of the Vision Pro “it’s not worth the price”
For its part, Meta has mainly carried out buyouts and faced numerous controversies with its social networks. The American giant has notably “copied” many features – including the stories format – from its rival Snapchat. Facebook also changed its name to Meta to highlight its shift to the metaverse. For the moment, the company is struggling to convince with its virtual world.
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