This article was automatically translated from HIBAPRESS, the Arabic version:
Heba Press – Abdel Latif Baraka
As part of a qualitative security operation which testifies to the availability and vigilance of the Royal Gendarmerie, the Gendarmerie services of the territorial capital of Sidi Ifni, affiliated with the regional command of Guelmim, were able, yesterday Saturday, to arrest a 36 year old man. person, who is the subject of two national search warrants due to his involvement in drug trafficking cases.
Violent resistance and decisive intervention
The arrest operation, which took place under the direct supervision of the company commander Sidi Ifni, was marked by violent resistance from the suspect, who tried to flee and escape the the influence of the police. However, the decisive intervention of the gendarmes made it possible to paralyze its movements and tighten its control without recording any injuries.
Reservations attract attention
As part of the searches carried out at the detainee’s home at the Agumadh roundabout in the Masti community, the operation led to the seizure of a large quantity of Shera drugs amounting to seven kilograms, as well as two motorcycles, a large knife, two mobile phones and a large sum of money believed to have come from his criminal activity in the drug trade.
On the orders of the competent public prosecutor, the detainee was placed in theoretical custody to complete the investigation carried out by the judicial center before presenting him to justice to face the heavy charges against him.