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Pair: Mustapha Ghazlani
Between Nador and Al Hoceima, there is truly a foreign and strange presence, it is called “RIF”. I correct it, it is not about the northern region of Morocco, but essentially about it. Yes, because the RIF is an identifier, from its birth in 2023, it will become universal. RIF is the latest addition to the blood group, a genetic mutation in some Moroccans. Certainly it is still rare, detected in a few individuals living in Europe, originating from the same corner of the world (there are 20 unrelated people), as confirmed by the two Moroccan researchers: MM. Mahmoud Mikdar and Slim Azouz. The latter call it RIF.
Dr. Slim Azouzi states in an interview that: «The discovery of a new blood group system is significant for several reasons, with broad implications for medicine, particularly transfusion medicine, genetics and the understanding of disease. This is an advance that helps doctors perform safer blood transfusions, better understand our DNA and the history of humanity… “. Yes, this progress is significant in other respects, literature for example.
For the RIF to see the light of day, what major event could have struck this family of humans? What obstructions, destructions, excesses, deficiencies, shocks… did the universe exert on these people? When and why did this human No1 decide to be alone in “RIF” facing the universe?
If blood symbolizes life, death and love, modifying it is not a temptation to change these long-displayed values?
Or again, isn’t it, by chance, the universe is in the process of beginning a long-term mutation so that it will subsequently give us strength, food, health, the appropriate way of being? to a life to come?
Before the “RIF” in Morocco in 2023 there was the “BOMBAY” in India in 1952, and if we consider that the temporal dimension of the universe is different from ours, we terrestrial beings cannot say that these 70 years which separate the two human dates is only a period of time in the other dimension and that the universe is manipulating us at will?
Seriously, I think about the RIF, and I know the universe is laughing. But tell me, what is the “RIF” doing here?
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