You obviously know the Core Web Vitals, these famous metrics which determine the web performance of your site from a user experience point of view. To help you see clearly and, above all, take action to improve them, Fasterize and Abondance have joined forces in a practical and free ebook. A gold mine for optimizing your web performance without spending months, filled with tips from SEO experts! Are you ready to boost your Core Web Vitals this year?
After reading this ebook, you will have:
- A better understanding of Core Web Vitals (LCP, INP, CLS) and their impact on user experience and SEO.
- Strategies and tools to optimize your pages and meet Google’s web performance requirements.
- Key business insights based on case studies and A/B testing, revealing how better web performance can increase your conversion rates by 8% on average.
- Expert advice in SEO and Web Performance to transform technical constraints into measurable competitive advantages.
A word from Victor, director of Abondance
“Over the years, I have seen SEO evolve to incorporate increasingly demanding criteria. Today, user experience has become an essential component of online performance.
Google, by taking Core Web Vitals into account in its algorithm, sends a clear message: a site must be fast, stable and responsive to meet user expectations. To address this crucial subject, we collaborated with Fasterizerecognized specialist in web performance. Together, we have pooled our expertise to offer content that is both technical and accessible, designed to support SEO professionals and businesses in their optimization process.
Beyond SEO, web performance directly impacts several strategic levers: increased conversion rates, a reduced bounce rate, a better customer experience, and reinforced loyalty. By mastering the Core Web Vitals, you act on all these fronts.
This ebook aims to give you practical tools to better understand these metrics, evaluate your performance and concretely improve your results. Regardless of your level of expertise, you will find clear explanations and adapted solutions to progress effectively in the optimization of Core Web Vitals.
With this ebook, you will benefit from all the keys to understanding and optimizing your Core Web Vitals. Up to you !”
Le guide PDF Core Web Vitals
Here’s what you’ll find when you download our ebook on Core Web Vitals :
- Understanding Core Web Vitals and their impact on SEO
- Definition of Core Web Vitals
- The importance of Core Web Vitals for SEO
- Core Web Vitals benchmarks by sector
- Technical strategies to optimize your Core Web Vitals
- Optimiser le Largest Contentful Paint (LCP)
- Improve interactivity with the INP
- Ensuring visual stability with CLS
- How to prioritize Web Performance within the company
- Some inspiring figures on the impact of webperf
Auteur : Mathilde Grattepanche. Certified by: Victor Lerat.
-With her sharp pen and her expertise in web writing, Mathilde acquired solid experience before joining the team as editorial manager of Abondance. When she is on the keyboard, responsiveness and quality are always there!
Contact : [email protected].
Victor Lerat
Expert SEO Abondance
SEO consultant for over 12 years. My daily missions? Challenge your projects and your teams. In a spirit of transmission and sharing, I support your teams so that they gain autonomy and performance.