The year 2024 was marked by Apple's entry into the mixed reality market, with the launch of the Vision Pro headset. However, if Apple does not provide data on sales of this product, everything suggests that it did not appeal to the crowds. And currently, it is possible that Apple has already ceased production of the Vision Pro, in order to focus on a new headset.
According to an article from MacRumors, which relays the sources of The Information, in October, Apple would have in fact reduced production, and would have already considered completely ceasing production of the Vision Pro headset before the end of the year . Therefore, at the time of writing this article, it is possible that the company will no longer produce this helmet and will simply sell off existing stocks.
Tim Cook's explanations
Obviously, this information should be considered with caution, since it does not come from an official source. But in any case, Apple seems aware that the Vision Pro is not a hit. But its CEO, Tim Cook, has an explanation for this. In December, in an interview with Wired magazine, Cook indicated that the Vision Pro is a product aimed at “early adopters” who “want to have tomorrow’s technology today.” “These people are buying it and the ecosystem is thriving. The ultimate test for us is the ecosystem. I don't know if you use it a lot, but I'm on it all the time. I see new apps all the time,” also indicated the boss of Apple.
In other words, Apple would be mainly busy building a solid application ecosystem, before moving up a gear. Moreover, regarding the next model, some sources indicate that after the Vision Pro, Apple could release an affordable version which could be more successful. Indeed, one of the obstacles to the adoption of the Vision Pro by the general public is the price. In France, the cheapest model costs 3,999 euros. But that's not all: the Vision Pro helmet is not compact enough and as a result, it is not suitable for outdoor use.
Android XR arrive
In any case, Apple will face increasingly tough competition in the mixed reality market. Google recently announced Android XR, a version of its operating system for mixed reality. And Samsung has already presented its first headset running Android XR, which should arrive this year.
- Rumors suggest Apple may have already ended production of the Vision Pro headset
- Apple's first mixed reality product is not a hit and according to Tim Cook, it is a product created for “early adopters”
- Apple's next headset may be an affordable version of the Vision Pro
- Apple will face tougher competition, since Google has already introduced Android XR (which Samsung will use)
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