The field of microelectronics is at a turning point with the current limits of lithography technology. To meet the needs of an ever-changing industry, a new research collaboration, led by the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), has been established. The goal is to explore future steps in extreme ultraviolet (EUV) lithography, a technology that could redefine the way semiconductors are manufactured.
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) has spearheaded a research collaboration to advance the understanding of extreme ultraviolet (EUV) lithography. This partnership, part of the Extreme Lithography & Materials Innovation Center (ELMIC), is supported by $179 million in federal funding from the U.S. Department of Energy. ELMIC, one of the leading research centers in microelectronics sciences, is dedicated to advancing the fundamental knowledge needed to integrate new materials and processes into future microelectronic systems.
The four-year, $12 million LLNL specific project focuses on expanding fundamental science related to EUV generation and plasma-based particle sources. Further research within ELMIC will explore key areas such as plasma-based nanofabrication, 2D materials systems and large-scale memories.
The BAT laser: a pioneering technology
LLNL’s research relies on their driving system, the Big Aperture Thulium (BAT) laser, an innovative petawatt-class laser design using thulium-doped yttriated lithium fluoride as an amplifying medium. This laser is designed to deliver ultra-short pulses at an average power of hundreds of kilowatts.
During the first publications on the results of the BAT in 2023, the LLNL announced that their system had delivered “more than 25 times the highest pulse energies reported by any laser architecture operating near the 2 micron wavelength worldwide».
Towards smaller, more efficient chips
The particular central wavelength of thulium-doped lithium yttria fluoride, which operates around 2 microns, has potential advantages over intense lasers operating at less than 1 micron or 10 microns. This capability has attracted the attention of commercial developers like Trumpf for applications ranging from kidney stone treatment to plastic welding.
« In the context of lithography, this technology could lead to platforms beyond EUV capable of producing chips that are smaller, more powerful and faster to manufacture while consuming less electricity, » commented the LLNL.
«We have performed theoretical plasma simulations and laser feasibility demonstrations over the past five years that lay the foundation for this project,» added Brendan Reagan, laser physicist at LLNL. “Our research has already had a significant impact on the EUV lithography community, so we are excited to take this next step.»
The researchers plan to combine their high-speed BAT laser with technologies that generate EUV light sources using ultrashort sub-picosecond pulses, modulated nanosecond pulses, and high-energy X-rays.
«This project will establish the first high-power, high-rate laser of approximately 2 microns at LLNL,»concluded LLNL’s Jackson Williams. “ The capabilities enabled by the BAT laser will also have a significant impact on the fields of high energy density physics and inertial fusion energy.. »
Illustration caption: From left to right: Drew Willard, Brendan Reagan and Issa Tamer work on the BAT (Big Aperture Thulium) laser system. Credit: Jason Laurea/LLNL.
Source : LLNL