Apple could change everything for iPhone batteries in 2027

Apple could change everything for iPhone batteries in 2027
Apple could change everything for iPhone batteries in 2027

Apple is expected to speak again in September, to present the iPhone 16 in particular. While the future smartphones from the Apple brand are already very well known, with several rumors about them in recent weeks, some financial analysts are trying to look further ahead and mention new innovation projects for this year.

This is the case of the Taiwanese Ming-Chi Kuo. He explains in a post made this weekend, that Apple could opt in the years to come for a new battery structure with a stainless steel case. A choice that would further increase the energy density of the latter by 5 to 10% according to Kuo’s information. Such an innovation would extend the life of the iPhone battery, both on a single charge and with the accumulation of cycles.

Respecting, again and again, European standards

But more importantly, this upcoming change on the iPhone side could allow the Apple brand to comply with future European standards. Starting in early 2027, all smartphone manufacturers will have to offer devices with easily replaceable batteries. Apple must work on this point to avoid finding itself in the sights of the European Commission, the Apple brand which is already under investigation.

On the technical side, Kuo tells us that Apple could opt for electroadhesion. This technique could meet European safety standards as well as repairability requirements. The financial analyst assures that these changes could be visible very soon. He speaks of a full-scale “experiment” on the iPhone 16 Pro and Pro Max by the end of the year. The process should then be extended to all iPhone 17s next year.

Something new this fall

This announcement, made this weekend by Ming-Chi Kuo, has not been widely followed by other analysts of the Apple brand. In his weekly publication, Bloomberg news agency journalist Mark Gurman did not mention the subject.

Kuo, for his part, had already spoken of an increase in energy density within the iPhone 16 Pro, but this is the first time he has mentioned the arrival of a new fixing technology with electroadhesion. It will be interesting to watch the announcement of these future iPhones, scheduled for September, to find out whether or not Apple has made progress on this point. – Official App

Par : Keleops AG



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