Spotify may soon broadcast alerts in case of serious events

Spotify may soon broadcast alerts in case of serious events
Spotify may soon broadcast alerts in case of serious events

The streaming giant is testing public alerts on its service, for the moment only in Sweden.

A kidnapping alert or a storm warning in the middle of your playlist? Spotify is considering this possibility, according to code snippets discovered by engineer Chris Messina.

Information confirmed by the Swedish company to the Techcrunch website. While the world’s number 1 in music streaming has no legal obligation to do so, it is testing the device to verify its technical feasibility.

For his part, Chris Messina believes that this could encourage users to activate their notifications, a very incentive lever for any application, but often deactivated.

Compete FR-Alert?

The implementation of this alert option could allow Spotify to institutionalize itself in a way by partnering with public authorities, as is the case with certain social networks, such as Instagram or Facebook. For the moment, the test is only being carried out in Sweden, the company’s country of origin.

“At Spotify, we regularly run a number of tests with the goal of improving the user experience,” the company told Techcrunch. “Some of these tests end up paving the way for a broader user experience, while most of them just serve to teach us more information.”

There is therefore no guarantee that this alert system will be properly implemented, especially since it could be poorly received by users, who are already used to receiving numerous alerts, particularly the very noisy FR-Alert in France.

Thomas Leroy BFM Business journalist

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