All for Content, the trade show not to be missed to develop your brand content strategy

All for Content, the trade show not to be missed to develop your brand content strategy
All for Content, the trade show not to be missed to develop your brand content strategy

« Content is king “With this sentence pronounced in 1996, Bill Gates once again showed himself to be particularly visionary, so much has content become important in the era of digital and social media. ” When we know that 95% of the content we receive every day in our email box does not interest us, it stings “, laments Gregory Nicolaïdis, CEO and founder of YouLoveWords. How can brands stand out?

« This is really a major problem that brands are faced with, but thanks to the content, the messages are worked on, the targets defined, the channels dedicated, this allows to create a strong relationship with its customers. », underlines Dorothée Thuot, president of DotEvents, at the origin of All for Content. “ The show has become an essential meeting place for content, the only one in France, both a place for discussion to discover trends, meet peers, a laboratory of ideas, then to apply for the good of your company and your strategy.».

A showcase of technical and strategic content solutions

All for Content will take place on July 2 and 3, 2024, in Paris, with 60 exhibitors, 30 conferences and 35 workshops. It is a showcase of technical and strategic solutions for brand content. “ And when we talk about content, the entire chain is concerned: creation and production of course, but also the tools to manage it, distribute it better and make it profitable. », underlines Dorothée Thuot. Above all, with new technologies like immersive content and generative artificial intelligence which enable new experiences and therefore new strategies.

The conference program illustrates this since they will address the entire spectrum of current issues such as brand management with Activo or Content Trends of 2024 by YouLoveWords. According to Grégory Nicolaïdis, ” the temptation to produce a lot and occupy space with content facilitated by AI is strong. AI will enable great things, if and only if you have done the “job”. Let’s go back to basics, put in the right ingredients and open ourselves to the new trends of the moment “. Finally, the emphasis will be placed on new forms of content with a day of conferences dedicated to Advergame and Brand Entertainment, organized and hosted by Ynov’Campus on July 3.

VIP and premium events at All for Content

New for this edition, All for Content has planned even more premium events. A lunch will be held on July 2 with advertisers, agencies and content experts on the components and strategies of a Content Factory at the service of the brand. A breakfast is also planned for July 3, hosted by the 366 agency. This will be an opportunity to take stock of TV and video audience measurement, and in particular the transition from traditional audience measurement methods (GRP) to strategies focused on brand content (Brand Content).

Finally on July 3, during the Content’Innovations luncheon, 12 Trophies will be presented in front of 120 guests, Brand Content Managers and brand managers. This is already the third edition of this competition which reveals the best brand content initiatives around the components of the show.

Maddyness is a media partner of All for Content.



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