Telephone scammers have become more and more numerous in recent years. The preferred targets of those called “grazers” are often elderly people, sometimes isolated, and above all unfamiliar with new scam methods and the use of new technologies.
This is where Daisy comes in. She is not a real person, she is an AI developed by the British operator O2. Daisy takes care of answering phone scammers and wasting their time as much as possible. The idea is that if Daisy “drunks” a grazer for several minutes (if not hours!), the latter will be less busy scamming real people.
O2 worked with YouTuber Jim Browning, a specialist in the fight against scams, who has notably tracked down and exposed numerous scammers and scammers around the world. The videographer notably succeeded in infiltrating networks or even “doxxing” scammers – revealing their confidential information.
As O2 explains, Daisy is a stereotype of an old person. She tells very long personal stories while remaining hyper-polite with the grazers. She talks to them about knitting or her cat like an octogenarian would. Daisy is very friendly but the scammers do not seem to agree and often lose their means, initially thinking they have found a good scam to scam.