find your films and series in the blink of an eye!

find your films and series in the blink of an eye!
find your films and series in the blink of an eye!

Netflix is ​​tackling the eternal puzzle of content discovery. The streaming giant is currently testing a major overhaul of its interface, with a simplified design intended to streamline the user experience.

Streamline the user experience

The major change is the replacement of static rows of thumbnails with expandable boxes. When the user positions himself on a title, these boxes display essential information: synopsis, age rating, duration. The menus are also simplified, with options centralized at the top of the screen: search, home, series, films and “My Netflix”.

According to Pat Flemming, product manager at Netflix, this redesign aims to reduce the time wasted scrolling through pages to find suitable content. Many users complain about this incessant scrolling which detracts from the viewing experience. The new design should allow subscribers to quickly identify titles matching their criteria and their current desires.

Towards widespread deployment

The problem of scrolling is at the heart of this interface overhaul. Pat Flemming explains that Netflix often sees “ eye gymnastics » users who scan the home page looking for content. The objective is to simplify this exploration by providing more synthetic information from the first sight.

For now, this new design is only available to a limited number of users on top TVs and streaming devices. However, if feedback is positive, Netflix plans to quickly expand this deployment to its entire subscriber base in the coming months and quarters.

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