But what is China doing on the hidden surface of the Moon?

But what is China doing on the hidden surface of the Moon?
But what is China doing on the hidden surface of the Moon?

On June 3, 2024, China completed a historic first by taking samples from the far side of the Moon. This ambitious mission, called Chang’e-6, represents a major milestone in space exploration and opens the way to new scientific discoveries.

An ambitious space module

The space module Chang’e-6 landed on the lunar surface on December 31, 2023. After collecting about 2 kilograms of rocks and regolith, it took off from the Moon on June 2, 2024 and is expected to return to Earth by mid-July.

Analysis of samples taken by Chang’e-6 should allow scientists to learn more about the formation and geological history of the far side of the Moon. This region, still largely unexplored, could contain valuable clues about the origin of our natural satellite and its evolution over time.

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A new era of lunar exploration

The success of the Chang’e-6 mission confirms China’s growing space ambitions. The country aims to establish a permanent lunar base by 2030 and send astronauts to Mars by 2045.

Space exploration is an area of ​​growing international collaboration. China has already expressed its willingness to share the data and results of the Chang’e-6 mission with the international scientific community.



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