Apple data to allow Russia to gain ground?

According to a new study by cybersecurity specialists, geolocation data collected by Apple devices over Wi-Fi could make it possible to track certain users, without them even knowing it. The report even goes so far as to mention the possibility of tracking Ukrainian soldiers in this way, which could prove very useful to the Russian army in the context of the ongoing conflict currently in Eastern Europe. .

To remedy this, the researchers behind these discoveries advise Apple to add additional protections to its API dedicated to identifying the location of mobile users. The Cupertino giant has since reacted in the file, explaining that it has implemented changes within its own servers, in order to limit the vulnerabilities offered by its devices. A good thing indeed!

Some tips for protecting yourself

One of the first recommendations to follow in order to avoid finding your geolocation data over the counter on the dark net is obviously to deactivate the sensor dedicated to this purpose. Unfortunately, on iOS, Apple still does not offer a dedicated shortcut to turn off GPS from the Control centereven though the company does not hesitate to regularly praise the safe quality of its products.

You must therefore go through the Settings app in order to turn off GPS, which takes much longer with at least three more steps. Some therefore advise creating a shortcut with the eponymous app, in order to be able to access the associated setting directly from its home screen.

At-risk users can also choose to only provide publishers with access to their approximate geolocation on iOS.

Other cybersecurity scandals at Apple

This is actually not the first time that Apple has been singled out for its complicated management of our personal data. Very recently, we are reminded of the iOS 17.5 bug which caused photos to reappear on the screen that had been permanently deleted by users in the past. And you, do you trust the products of the Apple firm not to track you?

  • Apple’s geolocation data sometimes allows users to be tracked over Wi-Fi without their knowledge
  • Apple responded with a fix
  • Turn off your GPS whenever you can – Official app

By: Keleops AG



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