“Abandoned” by Rockstar, Red Dead Redemption 2 is nevertheless part of the Top 10 best-selling games of all time with these staggering figures

Game news “Abandoned” by Rockstar, Red Dead Redemption 2 is nevertheless part of the Top 10 best-selling games of all time with these staggering figures

Published on 05/20/2024 at 6:25 p.m.

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Can we do better than Rockstar Games in terms of popularity? Over the last two decades, the development studio has delivered resounding titles that have positioned themselves among the best sellers in the history of video games. Today, Red Dead Redemption II has reached a maddening milestone and continues, like GTA 5, to sell like hot cakes.

Grand Theft Auto VI, ready to seize Rockstar Games’ number 1 spot?

We can say what we want, Rockstar Games is carefully taking the time to develop its next hit, Grand Theft Auto VI. In the meantime, Grand Theft Auto V continues on its merry way, and what a journey accomplished so far ! More than ten years after its release, no one can sit at the table GTA 5 as it beats the competition and continues to sell to the tune of several million copies. And that clearly makes the New York studio and the publisher of the game Take-Two happy. It is partly for this reason, and following other financial factors, that the company decided to release GTA 6 to the next fiscal year.

Yes, as we relayed at the end of last week, the arrival of Grand Theft Auto 6 on next-gen consoles will take a little longer than expected. While some gamers will be left chomping at the bit, others will have the chance to catch up and play Rockstar Games’ classics, if only to see what they can achieve when it comes to gaming. open world video. In the lot, Red Dead Redemption II is a brilliant student and was acclaimed by a large group of players when it was released. Even now, it’s a safe bet and that’s why we’re still fighting for it.

At the end of the financial report for the fiscal year ending on March 31, Take-Two was able to highlight the excellent success of Red Dead Redemption II. After five and a half years of marketing, and despite the “abandonment” of Rockstar Games – namely the very low number of updates or the abandonment of Online mode, which had the gift of annoying fans -, the Arthur Morgan’s adventure became the seventh best-selling game worldwide with a total of around 64 million, bringing the series’ total sales to nearly 90 million copies (89, more precisely).

In order to increase its numbers, Rockstar Games often multiplies promotional offers, even if the players would have preferred that the New York studio invest in the development of an extension or that it be more involved in the follow-up (updates, bug fixes and other fixes). However, this in no way affects the great qualities of the title and, although it will not increase the sales volume, Rockstar is doing everything to increase the community’s. Starting tomorrow, PlayStation Plus Extra and Premium subscribers will be able to get on their horse and go on an adventure since Red Dead Redemption II makes its entry into the dedicated catalog of these formulas.



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