The new Battlefield is playable internally and features the biggest team ever | Xbox

The new Battlefield is playable internally and features the biggest team ever | Xbox
The new Battlefield is playable internally and features the biggest team ever | Xbox

The new Battlefield is still in development and Electronic Arts took advantage of the release of its latest financial report to comment on the progress of the game. And everything points to the franchise making a comeback like never before.

According to EA CEO Andrew Wilson, the number of people currently working on the new Battlefield game has never been higher in the franchise’s history.

This is the largest Battlefield team in franchise history. A few weeks ago I met with the teams and I couldn’t be more excited about what they showed and what we got to play.

The new Battlefield is therefore in a fairly advanced state since it is currently playable by internal teams. Just a few weeks ago, we learned that Motive was joining Criterion, DICE and Ripple Effect to develop Battlefield through a second team.

Andrew Wilson recalled how the developers listened to the community in order to develop the best Battlefield game possible.

With each immersive, action-packed season of Battlefield 2042, players have made it clear that they want an even deeper experience. Our teams listened to the community, learned valuable lessons, and are looking to the future. Motive, armed with cutting-edge Frostbite technology and a compelling story, joins DICE, Criterion and Ripple Effect to build a Battlefield universe across connected multiplayer and single-player experiences.

Battlefield 2042 Season 7 was released in March 2024 and Electronic Arts has confirmed that it is the last. The teams now look to the future of the franchise: “We have an ambitious vision to embrace and unlock the series’ vast potential, with its class-based team play system and immersive, intense battles. » While the new Battlefield should be announced this year, recent rumors suggested a free-to-play battle royale mode like Warzone.



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