Top 10 beaches with the whitest sand

Top 10 beaches with the whitest sand
Top 10 beaches with the whitest sand

As the cold and gray of autumn settle in in Switzerland, there’s nothing like dreaming or planning your next vacation. If you like relaxing, take a look at the new CV Villas ranking, which lists the 10 most beautiful beaches with the whitest sand.

The tour operator relied on unedited screenshots from Google Maps: 200 beaches were screened to determine the exact shade of sand using a color recognition tool. These values ​​were then compared to the purest white.

At the top of the ranking is the beach of Tulum, Mexico. According to the analysis, the sand found there is only 1.4 points away from the purest white. With its pristine white coastline and turquoise waters, this beach is a paradise.

The second place is occupied by Anse Source d’Argent, in the Seychelles. Third place goes to Marmari Beach, Greece. This is followed by Tropea beach in Italy and Platja de Muro in Spain. Both obtained the same score, hence the absence of a fifth and two fourth places.

In sixth place is Cala Pluma in Spain, followed by the French beach of Valras in seventh. Eighth place goes to Cala Brandinchi in Italy and two island beaches share ninth place, namely Stocking Island Beach in the Bahamas and Taylor Bay Beach in the Turks and Caicos Islands (UK).

A majority of the beaches with the whitest sand are located in Europe. There is therefore no need to go to the antipodes.



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