“I am a former LIDL employee and here is the best time to pay even less for your groceries”

LIDL, the German giant which has reinvented itself by opting for more elegant stores and more refined products, continues to establish itself in the ultra-competitive landscape of
grande distribution. Since its metamorphosis that began in the 2010s, LIDL keeps climbinginfiltrating the consumption habits of the French like a fashion phenomenon.

The most striking example? These famous LIDL sneakersoriginally sold for 12.99 euros, which soared to 4,900 euros on eBay in 2020. By skillfully playing on rarity and banking on the influence of personalities like
Djibril Cissethe brand has succeeded in making its products objects of desire. And this is not the first time that a bold strategy has allowed it to create buzz, like the “ Monsieur Cuisine », Feared rival of the Thermomix.

LIDL, a successful brand in

Behind this success, a well-oiled machine: 450 million euros injected each year into advertising, making LIDL the leading food advertiser in France in 2021, as reported Les Echos Start. For comparison, its competitor Aldi spent just over 200 million euros trying to follow suit. Together, these two discount heavyweights have captured more thana quarter of the advertising budget of the sector.

However, LIDL’s recipe for success only comes down to a few well-chosen ingredients: 2,000 references on the shelves against the usual 15,000 in hypermarkets. By focusing on fewer products, but generating astronomical sales volumes, the brand can negotiate unbeatable prices. 90% of its shelves are also filled with
house brandsconsiderably reducing marketing costs.

crédit photo : Shutterstock A tip to save even more at LIDL

A tip to save money when shopping at LIDL

These same articles would display even more competitive prices according to the purchase schedule. According to Roo Dhissou, a former LIDL employee, the ideal time to find good deals is between 4 p.m. and 5 p.m. It is during this window that unsold or close to sale products expiry date are seeing their prices drop, as reported
The Mirror. « There are specific times during the day when we check and
let’s restock the shelves with the remaining items.
“, she explained.

This little secret will allow you to locate the products being marked, even before they are placed back on the shelves. Unlike other brands which sell off items at the last minute, at LIDL, promotions are applied two days before the deadline. “
You will actually see the products being labeled [à prix réduit]so you can take them before they are put back on the shelves. “, she added.

A method to watch out for on the shelves of LIDL stores

This method can make a real difference
on the receipt. Catherine Shuttleworth, marketing consultant, specifies that “ on the first day the discount is 30%, and on the second day it goes to 60%. » A golden opportunity for
achieve significant savings
. Be careful, behind the tidy aisles and attractive prices, LIDL, like many other brands, uses subtle tricks to encourage you to spend more. In his documentary, Roo Dhissou reveals a particularly ingenious technique: sometimes, the price of an item is not placed under the productbut above. A strategy that blurs the benchmarks
customers, making them believe they are getting a good deal… until the reality is revealed at the checkout.

crédit photo : Shutterstock A method used by LIDL, pointed out by a former employee of the brand

Retail specialist Dr. Amna Khan agrees. According to her, consumers’ gaze naturally falls under the products to check prices. « You look below to see the price, you wouldn’t look above. So, instinctively, when you look underneath, that’s the price you think is right. “, she indicated. The trick? Stay pay attention to labels and, why not, stop by LIDL between 4 p.m. and 5 p.m. to take advantage of the best offers while
monitoring the right price.



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