SCANDAL in the “Meloni” Government, DETAILS are published on the appointment of a businesswoman as an adviser! (Chat and e-mail recording)
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SCANDAL in the “Meloni” Government, DETAILS are published on the appointment of a businesswoman as an adviser! (Chat and e-mail recording)

Mary Rosaria Boccia the entrepreneur and self-proclaimed collaborator of the Minister of Culture Gennaro Sangiuliano, published in her “stories” on Instagram an email that was allegedly sent to her by the Cabinet of the Ministry about her appointment “as an adviser to the minister”.

But it seems that the Sangiuliano case has become an international problem for the Meloni government.

At least two countries that will participate in the next G7 of Culture, scheduled for September 19 to 21 in Campania, have in the last hours asked for clarification and certainty about what is happening in Italy.

The date is July 10. Not only that.

During the night, Boccia also released the audio of a phone conversation he had earlier with the same cabinet official mentioned in the email. There is nothing sensational about the conversation, except that Boccia recorded a private conversation.

The email reads: ” Dear Boccia, following what I briefly mentioned before, I am attaching my contact details and my colleague’s for any needs related to your appointment as Advisor to the Minister “for major events “.

However, the content of the email, at least in the part made public by Boccia, does not prove that the meeting actually took place.

severely embarrasses the minister and the government itself. The story stripped down to the details is simple: she claims to be one of his collaborators, he says that he did not pay her “even a coffee with the ministry’s money”. However, in recent weeks, the businesswoman has been spotted several times with the minister. And she herself has published some photos in the company of Sangiuliano on her Instagram page. The most pressing issue concerns the G7 scheduled for a few weeks. Meloni said on TV that he had been assured that the woman did not have access to information about the summit, but shortly afterwards, responding almost directly, Boccia released documents that appear to deny this thesis.

And yesterday, Tuesday afternoon, the minister spoke with the prime minister for two hours. “I am reiterating the truth of my statements,” he said in a press release.

“Not a single euro from the ministry, not even for a coffee, was used for Dr. “Maria Rosaria Boccia, who, in relation to the organization of the G7, has never had access to documents of a confidential nature,” he said.

A few hours later, during the night, Boccia responded by publishing some content with which he tries to confirm his version of the story. Among them there is another email with the staff of the ministry with the subject: “Sangiuliano/Boccia flights”. The date is July 15. And attached are the boarding passes of Boccia and Sangiuliano himself.

In this way, the businesswoman seems to allude to the fact that the travel money has been spent. “I never paid anything”, Boccia had already explained.

“I have always been told that the Ministry reimbursed the expenses of the advisors so much that all trips were always organized by the head of the minister’s secretariat,” she said.


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