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WEATHER. Rain, wind, storms… how the current deterioration could hide the first Mediterranean episodes of the season

Storms and rain are back in Languedoc and Roussillon this Tuesday. This instability, which is expected to last several days, could evolve into one or more Mediterranean episodes. With the Mediterranean Sea still warm, conditions seem favourable for the onset of this rather autumnal phenomenon.

A rainy and stormy passage is expected from west to east over the country, mainly in the highlands, with electrical activity and a risk of possible precipitation.

All departments of Languedoc and Roussillon have been placed on yellow alert for the day, due to the risk of thunderstorms, according to Météo France.

These storms could start in the middle of the day and intensify during the night from Tuesday to Wednesday.

“A depression from England is descending on France. It is bringing more unstable weather to many departments around the Mediterranean.” explains Météo Languedoc on its Facebook page.

The clouds, which are currently circulating over the region, should become thicker and turn into showers in the middle of the day, especially in the Aude and then towards the west of Hérault where the high cantons are on the front line.

This risk of thunderstorms will progress in the afternoon towards the Cévennes and towards the Gard Rhodanien. Thunderstorms could also break out in the Pyrenees and towards the plains of Roussillon.

Please note that this risk of thunderstorms remains possible almost everywhere and at any time this Tuesday, but in a random manner and without great severity.

The tramontane wind should rise in the afternoon in the west of the region with gusts of 40/50 km/h. A wind from the southwest will blow on Hérault and Gard with gusts of 30/35 km/h.

Although these forecasts remain fairly uncertain, this unstable meteorological context could generate several fairly significant rain and storm episodes around the Mediterranean, or even degenerate into Mediterranean episodes.

This isEpisodes of very heavy precipitation, which generally last a short time, are frequent in the fall. Linked to the rise of warm, humid and unstable air from the Mediterranean, which currently displays more than 20 degrees on the coast, these Mediterranean episodes can generate violent storms, sometimes stationary.

They occur three to six times a year on average, according to data from Météo France.


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