Kati – A freestyle that lasts: This is what the event film about Katarina Witt is like

Kati – A freestyle that lasts: This is what the event film about Katarina Witt is like
Kati – A freestyle that lasts: This is what the event film about Katarina Witt is like

Am 03.10.2024 läuft „Kati – Eine Kür, die bleibt“ im ZDF. Worum geht es? Wer spielt mit? Alle Infos zur Ausstrahlung erfahrt ihr hier.

03. Oktober 2024 um 18:28 UhrBerlin

Lavinia Nowak plays the legendary Katarina Witt in “Kati – A Freestyle That Stays”.

ZDF/Stanislav Honzík

Am Tag der Deutschen Einheit feiert das ZDF eine deutsche Eiskunstlauflegende: Katarina Witt – und ihre Trainerin Jutta Müller. Der Eventfilm „Kati – Eine Kür, die bleibt“ zeigt am 03.10.2024 den Kampf zweier starker Frauen, die sich nach dem Ende der DDR neu positionieren müssen.

We have summarized here what exactly it is about, who is taking part and where it was filmed.

“Kati – A freestyle that lasts”: broadcast date and broadcast date

On German Unity Day, an event film about Katarina Witt’s sports career will be broadcast on ZDF. The drama will not be repeated afterwards.

The Broadcast date and Airtime at a glance:

  • Donnerstag, 03.10.2024, 20:15 Uhr im ZDF

Is there “Kati – A freestyle that stays” in the ZDF media library?

Anyone who missed the TV broadcast of “Kati – A freestyle that stays” can still be happy: it is online first. The drama is already there available in the ZDF media library since September 26th, 2024. There you can stream the film as a repeat for free afterwards.

What is “Kati – A freestyle that lasts” about?

After Katarina Witt won the Olympics in 1988, she quit competitive sports and moved to the USA, where she was considered the “most beautiful face of socialism”. After the fall of the Wall, however, she was insulted in Germany as a model SED student.

The Olympic Committee is changing the regulations for figure skating. Katarina Witt decides to represent Germany again Winter Games in Lillehammer to participate. Her retired trainer Jutta Müller is convinced of her will.

But Katarina Witt just won’t let go of the past. She studies her Stasi file and learns what strings Egon Krenz pulled. She immediately confronts him, but the ex-politician remains silent.

Jutta Müller (Dagmar Manzel, r.) supports Katarina Witt (Lavinia Nowak) in her dream.

Jutta Müller (Dagmar Manzel, r.) supports Katarina Witt (Lavinia Nowak) in her dream.

ZDF/Stanislav Honzík

The cast of “Kati – A freestyle that stays” at a glance

Katarina Witt herself does not take on a role in the drama. The figure skater is instead by Lavinia Nowak embodied. She became known as Tiffany in the television series “The Sonnenfeld Family”. Who are the other actors and actresses? Cast can be found here in the cast list:

Role – actor

  • Kati Witt – Lavinia Nowak
  • Jutta Müller – Dagmar Manzel
  • Oli Schmidtlein – Felix von Bredow
  • Vati Witt – Jörg Sternberg
  • Mutti Witt – Angela Hobrig
  • Binges Müller – Sylvester Groth
  • Jochen Grünwald – Norbert Stöss
  • Wolf-Dieter Montag – Michael Lerchenberg
  • Ingo Steuer – Lukas Amberger Baumeister
  • John – Paul Cless
  • Egon Krenz – Alexander Schubert
  • Kioskfrau – Anna Thalbach

Where and when was “Kati – A Freestyle That Stays” filmed?

“Kati – A freestyle that lasts” was created by 24. April until May 29, 2023 Threshold rotated. For the production, the ice rink in Prague extended the ice so that filming could take place in April and May.

Overall, the preparatory work for the film took almost a year. In order to make certain scenes in the drama more precise, excerpts from the original stadiums were recreated, commentator boxes were created and historical TV broadcast cameras were obtained. The real Katarina Witt was also on set.



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