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A U16 women’s soccer match in Longueuil degenerates because of an aggressive coach

The clash between two women’s U16 soccer teams turned sour on Saturday on the South Shore of Montreal.

The players of the Club de Soccer de Longueuil faced those of the Club de Soccer de Lakeshore in a match at the start of the season with no particular stakes.

In the final moments of the game, the Lakeshore team scored on a cornerbut the goal was canceled due to offside.

It was at this time that the Lakeshore trainer “freaked out,” witnesses told TVA Nouvelles.

Photo from Facebook/Karine Barbeau

“He took off like an arrow and he made a chest to chest with the young linesman”, told us Karine Barbeau, the mother of one of the players of the Club de Soccer de Longueuil.

The coach just didn’t seem to accept the linesman’s decision and yelled in his face criticizing his work.

Despite everything, the linesman kept his calm, said Ms. Barbeau.

“He asked her firmly, but politely to leave,” she says.

Photo from Facebook/Karine Barbeau

It was finally a young 16-year-old referee who intervened and expelled the coach from the match.

“He stubbornly refused to go out. He left the field muttering a lot of things, ”says Karine Barbeau.

“He showed a very bad example,” she adds.

Photo from Facebook/Karine Barbeau

The coach’s attitude and anger indeed seemed to have a negative effect on the players of the Lakeshore team, who played the end of the match with a lot of aggression.

“My daughter got hurt. There are several who have been injured, ”claims Karine Barbeau.

His daughter Charlotte also testified to TVA Nouvelles that the end of the match was marked by violence.

“The last 5-10 minutes, we had no more fun to play,” laments the 16-year-old player. “There is one who wanted to kill me!”

Charlotte had pain in her shoulder, hip and various places on her body due to blows from opposing players.

“A coach who loses his mark, it leads the players to lose his mark”, sums up the teenager.

Photo from Facebook/Karine Barbeau

The latter also deplores the attitude of the opposing coach.

“We could see that he was angry. It was getting worse. This offside was the straw that broke the camel’s back,” says the young athlete.

Charlotte says the coach ran at least 15 yards to shout at the linesman.

“He was pointing at him and yelling at him,” she says.

The teen says she overheard the coach accuse the linesman of being biased.

Charlotte, who is also a referee, also offers a solution to prevent such an incident from happening again.

“All coaches should be trained as referees. They could understand the regulations and it would cry less,” she suggests.

TVA Nouvelles tried to obtain reactions from the Lakeshore Soccer Club, the South Shore Regional Soccer Association and Soccer Quebec, but our emails and calls went unanswered.


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