DayFR Euro

Mbappé makes a big announcement, a Real legend reframes him

Kylian Mbappé’s public stance against the extremists ahead of the French legislative elections has not been approved by a Real Madrid executive.

On the eve of the Blues’ entry into Euro 2024 against Austria (1-0 victory for France), Kylian Mbappé appeared before the media. The opportunity for the new striker of the Real
to send a strong message to the French people ahead of the legislative elections on June 30 and July 7.

“I think we are at a crucial moment in the history of our country. That’s why I really want to address all the French people and especially the younger generation. I think we are a generation that can make a difference. We can clearly see that the extremes are on the verge of power and we have the opportunity to choose the future of our country. (…) I trust the French people, every vote counts. I really hope that we will make the right choice and that we will be proud to wear this jersey on July 7th.”thus launched the captain of the Blues, who therefore calls for a barrier to the extremes.

Carvajal: “I keep my political ideology to myself”

Asked to react to the position taken by the French attacker,
Dani Carvajal did not approve of his future teammate’s approach to the White House. “The moment you express your opinion, a certain part will praise you and another part will criticize you. These opinions are immutable. As a player, I keep my political ideology to myself. I have done it throughout my career and I will continue to do it. Ultimately, everyone’s vote is private”declared the Madrid right-back during an interview with Cadena SER.

And to add: ” But if he thinks it’s the right thing to do… Fine. All I want and wish for my country is that we have a country that prospers, a country where we feel safe, a country where unemployment is reduced, where we are all happy and where we can travel the world with our flag flying high and boasting that we have, if not the best, one of the best countries in the world. » The message has gotten through.


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