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35 editions and still something new at the Tour du Pays Roannais

For the second year in a row, the Mulsant district will be the start of the event which ends at Le Coteau for the first time in its history.

France has its Tour, Roannais too. At the start of each summer, cyclists from the amateur peloton come to gauge themselves and judge their form in the hills of Roannais. And this has been going on since 1989.

In 2024, the TPR remains faithful to its formula: a weekend of competition with three stages, one each day. For this new edition, there are five of them who designed the route: Cyril Guicherd, Franck Cherpin, Fred Fayolle, Dominique Eono for the Saturday stage and Jérôme Mainard for the Sunday stage.

Return to Mulsant for departure.

Forced to leave the port of Roanne due to the work and renovation of the Bords de Loire II, the TPR migrated to the Mulsant district last year. The feedback was good. If at the port, the public was mainly made up of insiders, it turned out to be more diverse in this other corner of Roanne. “It’s a real criterion,” summarize Fred Fayolle and Franck Cherpin, respectively deputy president and vice-president in charge of organizations at CR4C. The organizers like this atmosphere around their race. On the sporting side, this allows runners with sprinter and roller profiles to express themselves on a hilly TPR, due to Roanne’s geography. “Friday evening is an appetizer,” say the club’s leaders.

A loop of the Roan region.

The two stages on Saturday and Sunday operate on a loop principle. Thus, during the Sevelinges stage, the peloton will have to complete a large loop of 60 km and three other small ones of 28 km for a total of 144 km. Performing tricks has several advantages. Firstly in terms of security. “For the flaggers, it’s easier,” explains Franck Cherpin. “We leave the flaggers in their place, we have fewer trips. » The other advantage is for the spectators. They can see the participants several times. On Saturday, the peloton will cross the finish line four times in Sevelinges. “This keeps people on the site,” explains Franck Cherpin.

On Sunday, for the final arrival at Le Coteau, the loop system is also part of the route with a passage in the opposite direction of the line. In this way, the organizers take care of the stopover towns. The TPR had never stopped at Le Coteau in its entire history. A situation comparable to Sévelinges which welcomes a departure and an arrival for the first time.

The road to Morocco as a novelty.

In 2024, the Tour route will not be 100% on asphalt. There will be a path sector on Sunday between the Plaines district and Parigny. The idea came from Fred Fayolle who was inspired by the Italian Strade Bianche race. The Tour de France also did it and professional races in France have road sectors like the Tro Bro Leon or Paris-Tours. The path part is not very terrifying at only 1.8 km long. The constraints of the arrival situation, with the different railway lines, dictated this passage via the Moroccan route. The route planners, including Jérôme Mainard, a former pro cyclist, took the bike to see what it could do. “We said to ourselves that it was clean and that it could be innovative to have a path on the stage,” explains Jérôme Mainard.

Depending on the weather, dust could well appear in the landscape of the TPR peloton. “It’s a path but it goes relatively well,” assures the former runner for the Army or Roubaix-Lille Métropole. Mechanics or assistants will be nearby to provide repairs in the event of a puncture.

This part is on a false rising surface with an approach that is already inclined. “It won’t be decisive either,” believes Jérôme Mainard about this portion placed around sixty kilometers from the finish. “Behind, there are other bumps which can make the selection more than this path. »

A Tour of the Roannais Country.

Beyond the sporting difficulties, the route of the Tour du Pays Roannais crosses what is most beautiful in the region. On Saturday, there will be the natural landscapes around Sévelinges. The next day, the runners will pass through the Ozo station, which has become an essential place for local tourism. There will also be the Villerest dam, a detour via Saint-Jean-Saint-Maurice or the traditional passage to the Château de la Roche. The TPR will also salute the brand new Wine Route. In the end, all the jewels of Roannais will be brought together on this last stage with a loop along the Roannais coast and along the banks of the Loire.

A race but also entertainment.

The Tour du Pays Roannais remains unique with an advertising caravan which precedes the participants by 45 minutes. Gifts are given and the stopover towns come alive. On Friday evening, there will be cold soup and musical entertainment will be provided by Thierry d’Avray. At the Coteau, activities for children are planned, local producers will be there… For the past three years, the public has even been able to benefit from a giant screen installed at the finish line, to follow the race live.

Morgan Parmentier


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