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Yverdon Sport and its coach Alessandro Mangiarratti returned to training ten days ago. The strong man of Yverdon Sport draws up a first brief assessment and details the different stages of his players’ preparation before the official resumption and this first match against FC Zurich, on Saturday July 20 (6 p.m.).

Yverdon Sport: Alessandro Mangiarratti, this summer you have the opportunity to work with the group from the first day of preparation, unlike your arrival in October 2023 which took place in the middle of the championship. We imagine that it is more comfortable to work correctly with the group?

Alessandro Mangiarratti: It is certain that we can work from the beginning, even if ultimately we are only extending the work started seven months ago. This allows me to get to know the team even better and to put all the ideas into place. We lost a few players, but the majority are still there, reinforced by a few M21s. Now, we also know that this is not quite the typical team that will attack the first championship matches, and that certain players still have to join the squad before then.

YS: After ten days of training, what can you say about the fitness of your players?

Alessandro Mangiarratti: Well! The break was ultimately short, so the guys didn’t lose too much. We’ve done a battery of tests so far – in addition to the many sessions – which allow the entire staff to optimize everyone’s preparation. We’ve already started to work in a targeted manner on the few weaknesses of a return to play, whether they are in terms of injury prevention, strength or endurance. We work on them individually. The volume is high and it’s a pleasure to work with the players during this period: they are already in good shape, have a good attitude and are very available. When I say availability, I mean in particular the time spent together.

YS: Right now, players and staff are having lunch and dinner together. Is this part of the preparation, this desire to build a group and unite around a common goal?

Alessandro Mangiarratti: The club seeks to grow, to improve, and that happens through that. Put the players in the best possible conditions, optimize the footballer’s daily life. It’s like a three-week training camp, we want to avoid unnecessary travel and optimize performance. And for that, we can thank the club.

YS: How does the staff spread out this five-week preparation?

Alessandro Mangiarratti: Five weeks may seem both long and short. We are lying in intensity, with two sessions per day for the moment. This will be the case until the week before the championship. In terms of methodology, we are trying to strengthen our playing identity. We are working on defensive and offensive transitions, but also our football with and without the ball. This represents six training sessions per week, plus specifics, work on set pieces, and video.

YS: Do we have any injuries to report?

Alessandro Mangiarratti: No. Silva and Johan Kury are not yet operational, but are working hard and should return to the group soon. Niklas Gunnarsson is away from training this week due to discomfort. Magnus Grødem and Vladan Vidakovic suffered injuries last round, but they are training together and getting back to their best.

YS: Finally, a quick word on the first preparation match, this Saturday against Lausanne-Sport on the pitch of FC La Sarraz-Eclépens?

Alessandro Mangiarratti: We are going to offer playing time to everyone and implement what we have been working on since the restart. I expect good intensity, a desire to apply a certain amount of pressure and to be comfortable with our patterns, whether with the ball or without. We are working hard on the compactness of our block. Attack and defend together.



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