The Jura team entered in C7 took 5th place in a competition won by the Zurich team. Liza Cutin remains no less proud of her gymnasts. “Given the circumstances, they obtained a very good result,” underlines the apparatus manager of the Jura Cantonal Gymnastics Association.
Jura was without Célie Fuhrimann and Cléa Chételat, both injured in their ankles. They were replaced by Annika Prétôt and by Anja Thöni, from… Meiringen. The latter was unable to participate in the Bernese selections (injured at that time). She also came to train at Glovelier as part of a language exchange. She was able to strengthen the Jura team, having obtained the agreement of her club, the Swiss Federation and her cantonal association and her help was appreciable, since her result was preserved in two of the four apparatus. As for Flavie Beuchat, she played her role as leader very well, notably with a 9.90 on the high bar. “There had already been a 10, I think they didn’t want to give a second,” smiles Liza Cutin.
The Jura ladies team opened fire in Thun with a complicated passage to the rings. “The rest of the competition was very good” despite a few incidents on the high bar and she placed 7th. 4th place was within his reach.
The two other Jura teams finished further back. The C6, 9th in 2023, fell one place. “They were in a duo with the Zurich women who won.” So, when it came to passing just after these… The C5 (17th) were very diligent, but still have to erase too many imperfections.
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