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“It did him good”: Steven Defour reveals the event that changed everything for Kevin De Bruyne

Red Devils captain Kevin De Bruyne has returned stronger than ever from his long recovery from injury. Steven Defour explains what has changed in the Red Devil’s state of mind.

Steven Defour knows Kevin De Bruyne very well. On the one hand, because he played with him in the national team and on the other hand because their wives are best friends, so they see each other regularly.

For him, no doubt, KDB is “the best attacking midfielder in the world“.

Returning to dazzling form after a serious injury, De Bruyne directly reminded the world what a formidable player he is. Observers of the Premier League, the championship in which he plays, have also been rave about him, regularly qualifying him as the best player in the world in his position.

While Anne Ruwet asks Defour if his friend’s mentality has changed, he replies that the Devil is probably in a better situation. “Maybe he found more peace in football because he won everything from a club point of view. And then there is a transition in the national team where we gave him more importance. He has the armband, he is one of the most experienced players. Tedesco communicates a lot with him, in tactical choices too. So he feels very important and with the captain’s armband he also takes responsibility for the whole team. Before, he took responsibility with his feet, he didn’t talk a lot, which is not necessarily necessary. But now he does.

Sidelined for months due to his injury, De Bruyne returned fresher than ever, but also with a new mindset. “It gave him pleasure to be able to be around his family and friends, to do things. Before, he couldn’t do it because every three days he was on a plane, he was in a hotel, it did him good.

And this was seen with the level of play displayed by the midfielder since his return from injury.

In the Locker Room Kevin De Bruyne Red Devils


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