DayFR Euro

“He didn’t contribute anything, we have to be clear”, Lorenzetti fires Tuisova after the elimination of Racing 92

The owner of the Ile-de-France club did not hide his bitterness after Racing’s new disillusionment in the final phase. And he took the opportunity to criticize the Fijian winger who was his star recruit.

Bordeaux-Bègles enforced the hierarchy of the season by winning Sunday evening in the play-off against Racing 92 (31-17). Stuart Lancaster’s team qualified at the last minute for the final stages thanks to a converted try at the very end of the match in La Rochelle during the 26th and final day of the regular season. The Ciel et Blanc, since their return to the elite in 2009-2010, have participated in all the final phases. But, apart from their victorious run in 2016, they have only won 4 play-off matches.

Questioned by our colleagues from Olympic Midday , the owner of Racing 92, Jacky Lorenzetti (who left the presidency to Laurent Travers), did not hide his disappointment. “It’s a match that is the image of our season: very disappointing. We have a potential that we cannot express, he lamented. We have no excuses to make: Racing was largely dominated this Sunday evening and I say bravo to Bordeaux.” The strong man of the Altosequan club also spoke about two of his star recruits, who have disappointed this season. Big scud for Fijian winger Josua Tuisova: “He brought nothing, we must be clear. It was not the impact player we expected.”

“For the moment, Kolisi does not forget Lauret”

The Ile-de-France leader, on the other hand, was less harsh with Siya Kolisi, the captain of the world champion Springboks, although he has hardly been to his advantage since his arrival in Hauts-de-Seine after the last World Cup. “He had a remarkable start to the season, where he was unifying off the field. The truce was harmful to him. He gained weight , lost his form and yesterday (Sunday) he was transparent. (…) In the third line, we used to have an ultra-present warrior, a warrior called Wenceslas Lauret. For the moment, Siya does not let him forget. But we think that next year, that will change.”

Finally, Jacky Lorenzetti was clear on the future of Stuart Lancaster at Racing 92. “To answer, you just have to look at the number of coaches that Racing has used over the past sixteen years. There was Berbize (Pierre Berbizier) and the two Lolo (Labit and Travers), with a short passage from Gonzalo Quesada in between. That’s all. It’s a question (that of his departure) that doesn’t even arise.” And to stay “nevertheless serene” : “Great players are joining us (Owen Farrell, Demba Bamba, Romain Taofifenua among others, Editor’s note), Laurent Travers and Stuart Lancaster do a remarkable job every day. It will smile, sooner or later.


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