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The 2024 Olympics, the Euro and Real Madrid targeted by the Islamic State?

Zapping Onze Mondial EXCLUDED: Randal Kolo Muani’s “Little Brother” interview!

This is chilling information which was revealed by the Spanish media El Confidencial. According to the latter, last week, the Guardia Civil, Europol and the FBI jointly neutralized the I’Iam Foundation, a propaganda center of the Islamic State (Daesh). This organization used radio stations, news agencies, audiovisual producers and social media profiles to disseminate radical content in Spanish and other languages.

Nine people arrested, terrifying plans found

The investigation led to the arrest of nine individuals in different Spanish cities, two of whom were placed in pre-trial detention. Among the documents seized were calls to attack Real Madrid, including targeting the team bus and fans heading to the Santiago Bernabéu stadium. The posters discovered described tactics for carrying out attacks, including the use of improvised explosives and diversionary devices. In addition to threats against Real Madrid, Daesh was also inciting attacks during Euro 2024, targeting locations such as Berlin, Munich and Dortmund, as well as during the upcoming Paris Olympics, using provocative images such as the Eiffel Tower with a drone and mentioning “Lone Wolf Olympics”. The deactivation of the I’Iam Foundation not only led to the arrest of key individuals, but also to the closure of channels and media used to propagate extremist ideology, as well as the seizure of self-education guides aimed at to create “lone wolves”, terrorists acting individually and autonomously.

To sum up

Worrying information has come from Spain in recent hours, with arrests revealing plans for an attack. Indeed, the 2024 Olympics and Real Madrid were notably targeted by a branch of the Islamic State…


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