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12th regional Arabian horse breeding competition – barb and barb

The 12th regional breeding competition for Arabian horses took place on Saturday in Guercif, with the participation of 240 owners.

This competition, organized by the Royal Society for the Encouragement of the Horse and in which breeders from the provinces of Guercif, Taourirt and Taza participated, divided into 10 categories, aims to select the best Arabian-barb and barb horses in order to represent the region at the inter-regional competition planned for Meknes next September.

The director of the National Stud of Oujda, Aziz Harachi told MAP that this sporting event aims to encourage the breeding of Arabian horses at the national level, to highlight the best horses as well as to raise awareness among owners about good practices in horse breeding.

He stressed that this competition, which comes after the stages of Oujda and Jerada, constitutes an opportunity to assess the level of improvement of horse breeds and to guide breeders towards the adoption of best practices in the field. horse breeding to enable them to better market their horses.

The Barb is renowned for its endurance, docility and courage, making it an ideal horse for training.

The Arab-beard, for its part, is the horse most prized by the riders of Tbourida. Coming from a cross between the purebred Arabian and the Barb, the Arabian Barb is known for its robustness, height and speed over short distances.


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