DayFR Euro

Decazeville. Two national medals for Paul Servières-Bordes

the essential
After an injury, Paul Servières-Bordes came back on track and has just won two medals at the French para-cycling championship.

Paul Servières-Bordes ended last season with a fall at the Saint-Cyprien-sur-Dourdou grand prix which led to a broken collarbone with many months of unavailability following some complications. At the start of the season, he experienced some apprehensions about evolving within a peloton in FFC, then resumed competition in FSGT, a smaller peloton to prepare for the French disabled cycling championship. This weekend, head to Pontarlier (Doubs) for a time trial and a road race.

Saturday, for the online event on a selective circuit with a few restarts, Paul climbed to the third step of the podium after going out alone in pursuit of the two escapees who fought for victory. The next day in the solo exercise, he again finished third, a few seconds behind second. He therefore brings back two bronze medals to the Basin. “I am really satisfied with these championships after a long convalescence. The work during this spring paid off. Now, I am waiting for the response from the technical director of disabled sports to find out if I have the ticket to represent the French team for the world championships which will be played in Poland, from September 6 to 15”, confides the athlete.

Iris and Ysée Moncet still on irresistible

The feminine Iris and Ysée Moncet continue their harvest of bouquets, in Drugeac in Cantal. Ysée finished 6th overall and 1st female and Iris 9th, and 2nd female. In U19, Lukas Albespy was in Vienna, with two federal events on the program. On Saturday, he finished 16th having taken the good breakaway halfway through the race. On Sunday, he suffered a fall and was forced to retire. Gabriel Layrac and Martin Cazelles were racing in Côte-d’Or with Stade Toulousain Cyclisme to compete in a UCI event over three stages. In the final general classification, they ranked 21st and 26th respectively.

In Ufolep 3rd category, in Castelmayran (Tarn-et-Garonne), Loïck Mazars finished second, beaten, in the sprint on the line. Mattéo Martinez finished 10th. In 2nd category, Jean-Loup Bessette and Bastien Crozat arrive in the peloton. The runners of the Ufolep section perform one after the other.


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