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PORTRAIT. Bernard Monforte, this Bigourdan who embodies Henry IV and sits on the Béarn chariot in the Tour de France caravan

the essential
For the ninth consecutive year, this actor and director of Aubarède will be the star of the Béarn caravan. A presence in the caravan that excites Bernard Monforte.

Three weeks before the big departure, the hairpiece is still required. For Bernard Monforte, the summer cut is not yet a reality and the mustache that accompanies it over the thousands of kilometers of the Grande Boucle route is still in preparation. No matter, Henry IV already has a triumphant bigot and a warm smile. For eight years, this actor and director, at the head of the company “Once upon a time”, Bigourdan by adoption for a quarter of a century, has played Henri IV, the emblem of Béarn at the heart of the caravan. Interview.

Bernard, how did you find yourself enthroned on the chariot of Béarn, in Henry IV?

It was Jacques Pedehontaà who came to get me when Béarn joined the caravan nine years ago. It’s a real pleasure renewed every year. To be the ambassador of such a beautiful territory in such a sporting event is exceptional. And then I am the only one in the Tour de France, not to sell anything but to tell a story, a heritage, a country…

All this, under the costume of King Henry IV…

It is not difficult to endorse it. On the contrary, Henry IV is undoubtedly easier to embody than another king, even if, like many, he was a warrior king. It was still him who signed the Edict of Nantes which remains something important. We see this even more today. He was also a monarch who was not above ground. He gave food to his people to whom he was very close.

For the Bigourdan by adoption and heart that you are, praising Béarn, isn’t that heartbreaking?

No, we are neighbors and very close, culturally, between Bigourdans and Béarnais. I defend Béarn and the Pyrenees.

We feel impatient…

The Tour is a magnificent experience, exceptional meetings with officials in the VIP areas but above all along the side of the road. Along the route, France and the world find themselves there. I probably have photos of me that have gone around the world. We cannot find a better showcase than this adventure for the benefit of the territory.

After nine years, does Henry IV sit more easily in the caravan?

I remember the first Tour de France. No one really shouted as we passed. Then it took more and more. Of the 12 million spectators, many come back. They are waiting for the Béarn caravan. They know there is Henri IV. They now know where to place Béarn on the map. I don’t think you could find a better display.

And the monarch is modernizing…

Yes, I’m going to discover TikTok at 470! Finally, Coralie will teach me the mysteries of this social network. It’s a way of highlighting these extraordinary places and encounters which are the spice of this adventure that is the Tour de France…


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