DayFR Euro

MERCATO Lukaku at the center of a trident of madness?

For Romelu Lukaku, this summer promises to be another busy one. If Big Rom could be protagonist at the Euro, he will also be on the transfer market.

For the moment, it is difficult to know where the Red Devil will evolve even if several destinations keep coming back. This is particularly the case of Naples, where Antonio Conte would have made him his priority target.

A trident of madness?

Andrea Agostinelli, who wore the colors of the Partenopei for one season during his career, is convinced that the Belgian will move to Naples, where he could find himself at the center of a trident of madness.

“In attack, Conte will take Lukaku and another striker, like Lucca, who can play alongside the Belgian as well as act as a backup. But be careful, Lukaku is on the decline, so another center forward will be needed. In my opinion In my opinion, Conte will make 3-4-3, with Kvara on the left, Lukaku in the axis and if Chiesa arrives on the right… it would be a top attack”, he says.

For the moment, all this is hypothetical and is only the opinion of a former Napoli player who became a coach, but this three-way attack would look more than good if the club manages to put it in place. We should have more answers in the coming weeks, probably after the Euro.


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