DayFR Euro

A new medal at the European Championships for Valérie Boyer, para-karate champion in Miramas

The least we can say is that Virginie Boyer had a month of May 2024 full of emotions. He began by obtaining a bronze medal obtained in Zadar in Croatia, during the European Karate Championships. “In November 2023, I won the bronze medal at the world championship in Budapestshe rewinds. With the team around me, we decided to change a lot of things for my physical, mental and technical preparation, particularly for the posture on the chair.”

Amputated at the age of four, Virginie gets around only with prostheses. “I have a severe limp and this has led to physical imbalances. In competition, I am less comfortable with the chair, I sometimes feel apprehensive, especially after a violent fall in Dubai at the world championships,” confides Virginie.

But to participate, the champion had to make a difficult choice: selected by the departmental Olympic committee to carry the flame, she unfortunately had to decline the offer. “The European Championship was on the same date as the passing of the flame in Miramas, explains Virginie. Obviously I couldn’t refuse this selection which is close to my heart, para-karate is my passion, it’s my sporting life. But it was a great disappointment not to carry the flame. But I am happy that Michel Bertrand, a long-time friend and an example of dedication, did it.

An experience in sitting volleyball

In the absence of parakarate, which was not selected as a discipline for the Olympics, Virginie tried to realize her Olympic dream with sitting volleyball. But after joining the French team, she had to give up because of the injuries and pain that the discipline entails. “It remains a great experience“, she confides.

At the dawn of her 50th birthday, Virginie still has ambition. “Age is not a barrier for para-karate. With the evolution of my preparation, very well supported, I have regained my sensations and I am aiming for the gold medal for the next European and world championships in 2025.

Virginie would like to underline the support of her family, in particular of her parents, and those close to her, but also of the Miramasséans and the municipal sports office.which allows me to talk about disability in schools and colleges, and to show that in Miramas everything is possible.”

Next step: the French championship

I started para-karate with Cyril Casal, passing all the stages, from the white belt to today being 6th dan, red and white belt“, she assures, with pride. Next step for the athlete, the French championship in Sainte-Maxime, which will have a very special resonance: “For the first time, my parents, who live nearby, will come to watch a competition.

Good luck to her !


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