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Lukas Podolski’s farewell turns into drama in Cologne – Germany – FC Cologne

Beating each other up for goodbyes is unheard of.

While a match d’exhibition to celebrate the end of career of world champion Lukas Podolski was organized this Thursday evening in its training club of FC Colognethe party turned into drama in the streets of the city before the meeting. Several altercations broke out in pedestrian streets and in particular in front of Saint-Pierre Cathedral, causing the injury of several individuals, one of whom is still in critical condition after receiving a stab.

A clash would first have pitted a group of Polish supporters, from which Podolski’s family comes, with a German group: one of the Polish fans, stabbed in the stomach, underwent emergency surgery during the night and sees his vital prognosis still compromised. While a new brawl later broke out between new groups, the city ​​riot police was forced to intervene, leading to exchanges of stone throwing, bottles and tear gas, and ultimately causing the injury of nine police officers. The perpetrators of the violence are currently being actively sought.

It’s an understatement to say that the kebab king dreamed of a better farewell.

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