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“They trashed everything”: in , a brawl between FCL and AC supporters ransacked a bar

In the videos, chairs, tables and insults fly in all directions on the Monroe terrace in . “It was hyperviolent,” confirms Yann Garin, owner of the bar, over the phone, visibly very upset. There was blood everywhere. »

“Never seen that”

The scene takes place around 1 a.m., during the night from Friday to Saturday. After the match between FCL and AC , around twenty Corsican supporters sat on the bar terrace, under the watchful eye of police officers. “They guaranteed us that they would stay there until the bar closed to ensure our safety,” rewinds Yann Garin. However, the police left, thinking that the Lorient supporters had scattered. A few minutes after their departure, dozens of ultras, including several hooded, arrived according to Yann Garin.

The clashes began on the terrace and continued inside the bar. “They trashed everything,” insists the boss, listing the broken equipment: eight tables, two high tables, the DJ turntable, blinds, two windows… Not forgetting the bottles of alcohol thrown at the supporters. “There is between €5,000 and €10,000 in damage,” laments Yann Garin. According to employees on site, the police returned around twenty minutes later. Owner of the bar for eleven years, Yann Garin had “never seen that”. He filed a complaint. Present on site, firefighters indicated that they did not treat any injured people.

Another degraded restaurant

The clashes between Lorient and Corsican supporters had started earlier in the evening, near the Moustoir stadium. Another restaurant, Le Belvédère, announced that it had also experienced damage and “that a complaint will be filed”. The Lorient police, who had brought reinforcements from for the match, indicate that an investigation into these events is underway. According to the Lorient public prosecutor’s office, there were no arrests.


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