DayFR Euro

The UCI determined to strengthen the fight against technological fraud

As with the system adopted regarding doping, the International Cycling Union (UCI) announced this Friday, September 27, the establishment of a “reward program” consisting of financially remunerating informants providing information on possible cases of fraud technology among cyclists, such as the use of mini-computers or any other means likely to “boost” the racing bike.

The International Cycling Union announced the establishment, among other things, of a “rewards program” consisting of financially remunerating informants providing information on possible cases of technological fraud among cyclists.

This program, which comes into force immediately, “will aim to encourage people with information on this subject to communicate it – confidentially – to the UCI in exchange in particular for a financial reward”, indicated the International Cycling Union whose Steering Committee approved the measure.

The UCI undertakes to respect and preserve the anonymity of sources, but may require their identification if it deems it necessary to verify the accuracy and/or relevance of the information provided.

Requests can be submitted through existing reporting mechanisms or directly to the Technology Fraud Department.


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