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Nando De Colo in turn bids farewell to the Blues • Basket USA

After Nicolas Batum, another Blues executive is bidding farewell to the French team. As for the Clippers winger, it was expected, the Olympic Games having to be the last competition of Nando De Colo in selection.

“Having represented my country through my sport has been and will remain the greatest honor”

“You are, one day, selected for the French team, you wear this blue jersey that makes you dream so much and you only want one thing: for it to be a success so that the day the adventure ends, you can to say that you were there and that your mark will remain forever in the history of this team. »

“From my beginnings in 2008 until the 2024 Olympic Games and this silver medal, including, among other things, a title of European champion, I accepted different roles, because I had to be at the service of the French team in order to achieve our collective objectives. »

A thought for everyone

“My adventure in blue was not easy, but if I had to do it again, I would do it with my eyes closed, because my basketball career would not have been as accomplished if there had not been these medals with the French team! »

“All my thanks go to the actors and actresses who, from near and far, have participated in the success of the French team since qualifying for the European Championships in 2008. So much progress since my first selection. Thank you to the FFBB, to all its managers as well as all its employees that I have been able to work with over all these years. »

“Thank you to the coaches, the technical staff and the medical staff who, like us, have always wanted to take the French team to the highest steps of European and world basketball. Thank you to all the “shadow” people who recognize themselves. And thank you to all our supporters #AllezlesBleus”

“Thank you to all my teammates, generations after generations, with whom I have experienced incredible moments and emotions. Thanks guys! »

“I would like to thank my parents for always knowing deep down that one day their son would wear the family number 12 in the French team. Thank you to my sisters and their families for their unconditional support. Gracias tambien a mi familia española por su apoyo. »

“Thank you to my relatives and friends. Thank you Rom and Arno. I always had a thought for you at the time of the Marseillaise. Thanks to my agent and friend Wass. »

A beautiful tribute to his wife

The double winner of the Euroleague (2016, 2019) and second best scorer in the history of the competition also took the opportunity to discuss the important role of his partner.

“And even if 2194 THANKS would never be enough, I cannot finish without honoring the one who was “the submerged part of the iceberg” of my career with the French team. You were already by my side during our first medal in 2011 and still present this July 10, 2024, this time accompanied by our three daughters. After long seasons, while I left for busy summers with the French team, you took care of our daughters alone during my absences. It would have been impossible for me to accomplish all of this without you by my side. »


“Lola, Alicia & Elena. What pride to hear you sing “Let’s go, child of the fatherland…” and, above all, to have been able to bring you some medals home. OQM »

“You will have understood, this is the final word for me, wishing the best to the future French teams. »

We wish them to collect as many medals as Nando De Colo: gold at Euro 2013, silver at the 2021 and 2024 Olympic Games and at Euro 2011, bronze at the 2019 World Cup and at the Euro 2015!

Photo credit: Nando De Colo


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