DayFR Euro

Champions League in Guingamp: major security measures deployed

“For a major match, major security measures are required.” Said Emeline Barrière, chief of staff of the Côtes-d’Armor prefect, 48 hours before Stade Brestois’ first match in the Champions League, against Sturm Graz. With a challenge for the State services: “prevent everyone from crossing paths, manage the timing of arrivals and departures”, taking into account a “friendly rivalry” between and Guingamp. A match ranked 2 by the National Division for the Fight against Hooliganism, on a risk scale of 1 to 5. “For comparison, a PSG-OM match is level 5”. It is this ranking that impacts security measures.

300 gendarmes and CRS

In fact, 300 police forces (police, motorcyclists, CRS) will be mobilized to secure the teams, the supporters and the city of Guingamp. Concerning the reception of the Brest Ultras, “the idea is that they get on the buses and go down to the stadium but there is no ban on appearing in Guingamp. That is not UEFA’s philosophy and it is not the will of the stadiums”, underlines the chief of staff. Ten buses are reserved for groups of supporters who will travel under escort from Brest.

Furthermore, within the stadium, 70 to 100 people (Samu, Sdis, civil protection, advanced medical post, etc.) will be in place for personal safety.

Stade Brestois has announced the presence of 250 to 280 security agents, 50 reception agents, plus around forty people from the Guingamp stadium for placement.

800 Austrian supporters expected

For Sturm Graz supporters – 800 are expected – a meeting point has been set up on the Place du Centre, where they will have to exchange tickets, starting at 4 p.m. From there, the procession of supporters will be supervised, at 6:30 p.m., so that they can go to the stadium, via the streets Saint-Yves, Ropars, avenue Kennedy to the rue du Manoir. Parking bans will be put in place on this route and around the square.

Carpooling encouraged

Stade Brestois, like the City of Guingamp, is calling on supporters to carpool in order to limit traffic jams. Roudourou will open its doors at 7:30 p.m. for a match at 9 p.m. Similarly, they strongly encourage parking 15 minutes’ walk from the stadium, in the southern part of the city and in the center. “There will be people on the road to direct them,” informs Philippe Le Goff, the mayor of Guingamp. No need to venture into the direct vicinity of the stadium, the spaces are reserved.

As for the tickets, only the row number is shown, not the door number. “This is due to an incompatibility between the ticketing software of Guingamp and Stade Brestois,” says Sylvain Dirick, SB29’s security organization director. “Our communications department has planned to inform ticket holders, and on site, the necessary signage will be installed to guide them.”


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