Daniel Riolo’s disappointment after the re-election of Vincent Labrune to the LFP
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Daniel Riolo’s disappointment after the re-election of Vincent Labrune to the LFP

An election with almost no suspense. This Tuesday, at the end of an intense day, Vincent Labrune was overwhelmingly acclaimed to keep his position at the head of the LFP. The outgoing president received 14 votes out of 17 (two votes for Linette, one blank). A result “that has never existed in the history of democracy”, according to Daniel Riolo, who denounced “very surprising” elections.

“This is the first time that we have talked so much about the LFP elections. We discovered on this occasion how confusing it was. The result is a result that means nothing, an anti-democratic result as possible. Without the intervention of the minister (Amélie Oudéa-Castéra), there would not even have been an opposition. We are swimming in an ocean of shenanigans,” observed the columnist in After this Tuesday.

>> Reactions after the LFP presidential elections live

“No promises were kept” by Labrune

For Daniel Riolo, some presidents “don’t give a damn about the people who go to the stadium, or the media.” “In an election, it’s rare for the media to be unanimous. There was unanimity in denouncing Labrune’s mandate. There was not a single media outlet that supported Vincent Labrune. No promise was kept. No Ligue 1 president will be able to complain anymore. No complaint will be admissible. You sort it out with DAZN, and we’ll see where you’re going to lead us.”

Regarding the criticisms denounced by Vincent Labrune, Daniel Riolo recalls that the president of the LFP was attacked on the “management of the LFP”, not on his person. “When you use your network and your influences to destroy people, I don’t see how you can go and complain. The clubs have less income. French football is on the verge of bankruptcy. It ends with DAZN which is going to hit the wall.”

- RMC Sport


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