Decorations for athletes, how does it work?
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Decorations for athletes, how does it work?

On September 14, next weekend, Saturday, the heroes who have thrilled an entire country this summer will be celebrated during a grand parade on the Champs-Elysées. This grand parade, which should attract a jubilant crowd, will bring together all those who have contributed to making these Paris Games an exceptional edition. French athletes will be the stars, and on this occasion, the President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron will decorate the French medalists of the Olympic and Paralympic Games. How can we differentiate the distinctions, and who can claim the most beautiful?

What about multi-medal athletes?

We must first distinguish between the National Order of Merit and the Legion of Honor, the latter being the highest in the hierarchy. There are then three ranks: knight, officer and commander, as well as two dignities: grand officer and grand cross. In the Olympic world, the rule is as follows: a gold medal allows access to the title of knight of the Legion of Honor. A silver or bronze medal allows access to the title of knight of the Order of Merit.

If during an Olympic or Paralympic edition, an athlete does better than the previous time, he is promoted. If he wins the same medal, he receives nothing. Unless he climbs to the top step of the podium and he had already won gold the previous time, then he is promoted. It should also be noted that for an athlete who has won multiple medals in an edition, only the best medal is kept.

The Riner case

For example, the Tokyo Olympic basketball vice-champions were decorated three years ago with the National Order of Merit. Since Les Bleus once again failed to win gold against the United States, those who were already present during the final lost in Tokyo against these same Americans will get nothing. Only the newcomers will be decorated as knights of the National Order of Merit.

As for Teddy Riner, the judoka first became a knight of the National Order of Merit for his bronze medal in Beijing, then he was subsequently elevated to the rank of knight of the Legion of Honor in 2013 (after London). Officer of the Order of Merit in 2017 (after the gold in Rio) then officer of the Legion of Honor in 2021 (after the team gold in Tokyo), the five-time Olympic champion will be promoted to Commander of the Order of Merit.

- RMC Sport


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